I was browsing YouTube the other day as I often do. The main YouTube page always shows some suggested videos based on channels I subscribe to and videos I have watched in the past. I usually give them a quick look over before I start perusing my normal channels. On …
My Favorite Games – Part I
So, what ARE my favorite games? It really is a loaded question. I think it’s like asking a musician what their favorite song is, or a librarian what their favorite book is. It’s impossible to come up with “THE ONE” so to say. Just like a favorite song, my answer …
Let’s talk about Space Games
I’m sure it’s no surprise to anyone who knows me that I like video games with an outer space setting. Aliens, spaceships, laser guns, cool armor, the whole nine. I have played MANY great space games. I’m still surprised I graduated college because of all the time I spent playing …